Hanging out with the boys

It has been a very eventful couple of weeks.  New goats, injured goat, starting the garden, going to Florida to see my son graduate from Full Sail University.   From simple farm to suburbs to full out modern digital sound studios – what a mix!  It has been nice to have a little time to hang with my sons.  I don’t get to do that very often!

JIm in garden
Farmer man working hard

boys as Freddys
spending some time in Orlando before graduation, getting a burger


david in studio
David showing off the education
moving in van
From goat carrier to moving van – life is never dull!
mowing before the snow
Getting the first mowing done before it snows!


No matter where we are, I enjoy spending time with my family.  Not very often do I get some clearly defined boy time.  I have so enjoyed it in all the environments.  It’s hard to believe that they are both adults now, wasn’t it just yesterday they were taking my house apart while I made a quick bathroom trip?