If a picture’s worth a thousand words . . .

I will spare you the 10,000 page box set of novels and just show you what all has been happening over the last week or so – and even the Reader’s Digest version will be lengthy!

Having fun with Mya

Farming with the big big crazy family!

Planting the seedlings, with a heap of help!

Eva and Jeremy planting
Many hands make the work lighter – but it’s still work!

Protecting the seedlings a few days later because it’s a little bit early in the season for tomatoes – But that is what low-tunnels are for!

low tunnels and black plastic mulch
My husband did a GREAT job making some low tunnels for the tomatoes! Field fence, 6 mil plastic and zip ties

My little kitchen helper – staying busy to stay out of trouble!

quality mom and daughter time
Quality time with the girls!
sending David off to do adulting
Sending David off to start adulting
fencing again
fence, fence and more fence – always fence

playing with the goats

Tending the herd – of goats and children

feeding the goats 3
tending the herd – of goats and children

feeding the goats through the fence

They were great little shepherds!

Eva and Montana
Eva watched patiently as we were taught some of the art of horse training. She was so very good! She got to go meet her favorite horse Montana and she even learned to spell his name!

all the kids together

I don’t know what they were working on, but it held all of their attention for about 5 minutes – oh yea – candy!

All in a day’s work – sprucing up the girls room

girls in the farm room

Are you exhausted from watching, cuz I was exhausted from working!  It was a great week at the farm, in spite of Jim being sick for several days, having to say goodbye to my Florida boy, days of rain that kept the laundry from being caught up – no dryer yet.  It was our regular brand of crazy, noisy, busy, chaos!  So I took today to catch up about 8 loads of laundry, I am going to round three to the vets office with ANOTHER limping goat tomorrow, and it is time to get ready to do it all again this weekend!  And prom, and a farm conference . . . and the grass at two places is about to reach my butt . . . See how many words I saved you from reading?!

Thank You Lord for blessing us so completely.  Help us to remember in the mud and the noise and the rain that it is all still a blessing!  Please Lord, help my little goats heal and help us to have Your wisdom in caring for Your creatures, Your land, and Your children.  In Jesus Name – amen

3 thoughts on “If a picture’s worth a thousand words . . .

  1. Wow, what a week! Love the goats, hope you get good news from the vet. Also love all the pics of your family, beautiful!


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