Give Thanks!

It would be nice if this was the Thanksgiving table that awaited our family to crowd around and eat. But, this year it is different.

When I look at where I am this week, I realize how silly I have been at times. I have whined about how unfair it is that I had to leave my pretty house and move away from my comfort zone. You know what? I was an idiot. How sharply things come into focus when scary things happen.

I distinctly remember being completely exasperated and overwhelmed trying to figure out how to have Christmas in two places, how to make my new old farmhouse feel like home. You can find those blogs in the archives. You know what? It does not matter.

A month ago I was trying to figure out if I would be able to get my floor in before Thanksgiving. Looking forward to having a pretty floor and a chance to really decorate for Christmas. But, there will be no ideal, there will be this reality

Flooring stacked, tomatoes everywhere, big hole in the floor

You know what? It doesn’t matter.

At the beginning of our quarantine, I said out loud to my husband (yes, he nearly fainted) that if one has to be stuck somewhere, I thought the farm was the best place. A little room to roam, lots of fresh air and it didn’t hurt that we were quarantined together.

You know what brings the world into sharp focus? This:

An oxygen sat of 82 means another trip to the hospital

So, before we all got covid we were keeping up with the garden produce.

still going strong

When we were all down sick, it froze.

Frozen mess

Guess what? It doesn’t matter

I have no idea if I’ll ever get my floor down, I just today temporarily closed up the very large hole in the dining room floor until some of us feel like crawling under there again.

At least now we can walk through easily

You know what? It doesn’t matter

I’m not entirely sure I will even get a Christmas tree up, or even break out a decoration. You know what? It doesn’t matter.

You know what matters? My husband is surviving Covid. It has been a struggle, I have always been right by his side. But you know what? We figured it out.

Today, I am thankful that his numbers are better, his breathing is easier, and there is conversation about when he’s coming back home to me. It has been a challenging couple of weeks, but oh my heart is so thankful for the blessings I get to enjoy.

Just in case you were wondering, there are a few things on this farm that do not care that the farmers were sick – ducks, who insist on being fed, and goats who hid long enough to require a hike to the top of the hill. Even that didn’t knock the thankfulness out of me.

My daughter has postponed Thanksgiving dinner, and that is okay. If they had it without us, it would be okay. If no one gets or gives a single gift for Christmas, it will be okay. God is Good. He would still be good, even if I had to let my husband go – but I am so beyond thankful that I haven’t had to let him go this time, or the last time, or the time before that.

My focus is sharp – I have one completely thankful heart for the blessings I am allowed to enjoy – and the rest of the mess will work itself out.

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